Welcome to PTPShopy – Your Trusted Crypto Payment Gateway.

PTPShopy, developed in 2023, is at the forefront of the financial revolution, offering a seamless and secure bridge between the world of e-commerce and cryptocurrency. Born from the innovative spirit of Core State Holdings, Corp., PTPShopy represents our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the crypto industry.

Our Projects


Core State Holdings, Corp. was launched in 2014 with the goal of opening the gates of blockchain technology for any company and to give freedom to technological development. We believe that by opening the gateway to technology for everyone, we can dramatically improve life around the world.

Driven by Passion

Our team’s relentless passion for innovation drives us to constantly improve and expand our services. Our achievements speak for themselves – from our state-of-the-art security features to our user-centric design, PTPShopy embodies excellence in every facet.

The Future of Payments

As e-commerce grows and evolves, so does the need for trusted, secure, and efficient payment solutions. PTPShopy is not just a crypto payment gateway; it’s a vision of the future. We’re dedicated to providing businesses and consumers with a platform that caters to their modern needs while setting new standards for reliability, speed, and security.

Join us on this journey towards a more decentralized, and digitalized financial landscape.

Thank you for choosing PTPShopy – the future of e-commerce payments.