White Label Our Crypto Payment Gateway

PTPShopy offers a white label license to businesses interested in branding our crypto payment gateway & processor.

Provide your merchants with a branded payment platform. Reach out to us and allow your merchants to offer retailers the opportunity to sell their goods and services for over 100 cryptocurrencies.

Smooth, Reliable, and Flexible Transactions

best cryptocurrency payment gateway

We offer a reliable and scalable white label payment gateway to any company wishing to operate as a crypto payment service provider.

crypto payment processor

Our services help businesses process cryptocurrencies around the world quickly and smoothly. The platform is equipped with online and offline crypto payments, PoS integration, crypto payment APIs, crowdfunding support, crypto donation acceptance, and even invoicing.

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Your platform is fully customizable to suit your brand.

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What Does the PTPShopy White-Label Offer?

We offer all the functionality that exists in our existing PTPShopy and future updated versions.

crypto merchant

PTPShopy includes:

Customizable and Ready for Integration

crypto payment providers

Our white label solution is ready to be integrated and customized to suit your business needs.

We'll take care of you, whether it's token integration or system adaptation.

Frequently Asked Questions About White-Label Crypto Payment Solutions

A white label cryptocurrency payment gateway is a payment gateway and processing service that has been rebranded. A white label allows businesses to accept cryptocurrency payments from their customers, with the option to rebrand the service under their own name and branding. We handle the technical aspects of accepting and processing cryptocurrency payments, while the business can focus on its core business. This is an attractive option for companies that are looking to provide a service for merchants to accept cryptocurrency payments, without having to invest heavily in creating their own payment infrastructure.
The white label payment gateway allows a company to use a payment platform, without having to build and maintain the technology itself. This means that the vendor’s payment processing technology is integrated into the company’s existing systems and business model, with the platform customized to match its brand and other requirements. The payment gateway and processor remain invisible to the end user, who only sees the company’s branding and user interface. PTPShopy handles payment processing, including managing technical infrastructure and security. A company using our white label solution pays for the service, but it can also benefit from lower costs, faster time to market, and an improved customer experience because it can offer a seamless and branded payment service that does not require extensive technical knowledge and resources.
A white-label is a process where one company provides its services or products to another company, which then rebrands and sells them under its own brand. In the context of payment processing, a white-label payment processing solution is a payment gateway/payment processing service that can be rebranded and customized to meet the specific needs of a company, such as a merchant service provider or an online platform that wants to offer payment processing. The services are provided to their clients under its own brand, with the white label provider handling the back-end processing. The company just needs to focus on marketing, customer support, and working on satisfying customers.